Report insider information fast and easy.
easyER IIP
Since 1 January 2021, companies must report their inside information according to REMIT Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 to ACER via an Inside Information Platform. That includes market participants without plants or with plants < 100 MW.
Via the EEX Transparency Platform as ACER listed Inside Information Platform (IIP) you publish your inside information effectively and efficiently.
As technical operator of the EEX transparency platform and certified service provider of the EEX, we are actively involved in its further development (consulting, maintenance, …).

ONE platform
Many advantages
Effective reporting
according to the current legal requirements (REMIT) via the EEX transparency platform (Inside Information Platform) to ACER.
Transparent costs
with monthly flat rate, no costs for hardware, software and support.
Report efficiently and easily
Enter data, validate data, check status, done!
German speaking hotline
for your questions.
The highest security
through e.g. encrypted communication, certificate-based messages, data protection in the cloud (ISO 27018) and ISO 27001 in the data center.
Reporting status always in view
You can keep an eye on the reporting status at all times via a web cockpit.
REMIT expertise
We have been implementing regulatory requirements in software for years. EEX approved as an RRM (Registered Reporting Mechanism) by ACER and as a third-party data provider by ENTSO-E. We also sit on various committees and are familiar with the requirements of the regulatory authority and market participants.
No stress if the regulatory requirements change.
Because we take care of them and further develop the EEX Inside Information Messenger accordingly.
In cooperation:
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading European energy exchange. It operates the EEX Transparency Platform as a central platform for the publication and forwarding of inside information in accordance with REMIT, the EU Transparency Regulation and MAR.
Today, nearly 100 companies from 15 countries fulfill their regulatory reporting obligations via the transparency platform.
EEX Inside Information Messenger
Packages & Prices
EEX Inside Information Messenger
Business- Reporting of business inside information (not quantifiable) via ad hoc ticker
- Disclosure of facility inside information (quantifiable)
- Manual data entry via web interface
- Data Validation
- Status report (Receipt ok/nok, Acknowledgement ok/nok)
- Possibility of correction/history
- Web overview of notification (status)
- Export of the reporting history
- Support hotline included (professional & technical)
EEX Inside Information Messenger
Business & Facility- Reporting of business inside information (not quantifiable) via ad hoc ticker
- Disclosure of facility inside information (quantifiable)
- Manual data entry via web interface
- Data Validation
- Status report (Receipt ok/nok, Acknowledgement ok/nok)
- Possibility of correction/history
- Web overview of notification (status)
- Export of the reporting history
- Support hotline included (professional & technical)
* The fees for publication and forwarding can be found in the price list of the EEX (chapter Transparency Services), page 31.
System Requirements: Browser (Google Chrome (current version), Mozilla Firefox (current version), Microsoft Edge)
REMIT reporting for inside information:
How it works
The answers to your questions
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Use our chat function (currently inactive) or contact us by phone.